Sunday, July 29, 2012

July 29th. Almost 2 months of work.

This week was a mix of relief and anxiety. Finally declared metalwork on the interior floor complete. I'd like to thank Gavin, my little 11 year old neighbor who has been like a son to me these past few days. He has helped me with the sanding, both hand and DA, and he has been a great DJ (although I'm not so crazy about Katie Perry, I'm more into classic rock). I also want to thank my daughter Alanis who has been a lot of help with the cleaning, painting and garage housekeeping. The best thing about a kid is that they will tell you the truth about what they see. No bullshit about their opinion. When the job looks like crap, they will tell you.

Like I was saying, the floor is solid. I'm happy with the job I did, both welding, prepping, sealing and finishing. But although I ordered the entire underlayment kit from CJ Ponyparts, the floor will remain naked until the entire car is painted.

I also worked on the roof patches. Finally applied body filler and sanded down to evenness, but still needs a bit more work. Using body-filler was a new experience for me. I found it to be very easy to apply and control. Mixing the hardener was the tricky part. But I soon realized I could control the application time easily.
All fenders have been reconditioned in the interior (scraped, sanded, cleaned, primed, painted and undercoated. The suspension components were also thoroughly cleaned and repainted. I like how everything looks.
The new cowl should arrive this week. It's a bit intimidating, but I know I can do it. A lot of progress will be done as soon as the cowl is welded in place. The fenders can be reinstalled and prepped while installed. The car can be driven again, this only will help me sleep a lot better.
I placed another order for parts yesterday. This time I ordered the entire interior underlayment kit (original type), a bunch of molding clips and mounting screws, and wiper arm seals.

I bought 2 cans of Eastwood Interior Frame Rust protection (at $20.0 each) and used for the door posts, under the seat platforms, and the frame bars. I can only hope the product performs as advertised...

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